
A Day in the Life of...

Meet Leonid - a second year cadet at the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

Hello Leonid. I'd like to know about your life in the Academy.
Tell me, is the Academy's schedule difficult for you?
Hello. Well... It was hard when I started. But I got used to this strict timing. At the Academy you have to keep to it very precisely or leave.

For instance, wat was your schedule for today?
I got up at seven o'clock. Then we had morning exercises followed by the shower... It is our usual daily routine. It is different only on Sundays and holidays.

What do the morning exercises consist of?
We have two types of morning exercises: 3 kms running and fitness exercises - three days of the week for each of them. Fitness exercises include pull ups ... push ups ... and... other exercises for different groups of muscles.

Do you have morning inspections in your time table?
The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is a military organization and we have to wear a uniform. That's why we have uniform inspections every morning ... Today was not an exception! My uniform was perfect, so I didn't have any reprimands from my commander! I prepared it yesterday in the evening, so I had more time to take a shower and make my bed this morning. We had breakfast at the cadets' canteen at 8.20. Our classes started at 9.00.

What classes did you have today?
Practical Course of the English Language ... Theory of Translation and Service of the Check Points. We have three classes every day, six days a week.

That seems really hard! Were they lectures?
Only the Service of the Check Points. We had a seminar on the Theory of Translation. I even got an excellent mark! Frankly speaking, it's one of my favourite subjects.

Interesting! Is linguistics your specialization?
Studying at the Academy cadets receive specializations: a service and a civil one. My civil specialization is linguistics. The service specialization is decided after the second year.

Did you have any free time after the classes?
After the classes at 14.00 we marched to the canteen to have lunch. Then we had half an hour of free time. I used it to buy some things at the grocery shop and chat with my course mates. Then we had our regular division formation. I went to the library to prepare my classes for tomorrow.

Tell me: How do you usually prepare your classes?
Usually, I find out the subjects and topics which are the most important and up to date. I look through the literature and sort out the most helpful books. I make copies of the material which I can't cover at the Academy.

Do you have a chance to go "downtown" or entertain at the Academy?
This issue is out of the question for the cadets. We are allowed to leave the Academy only on week ends until we finish the second year. But I still have my free time after dinner, which takes place at 19.00. I complete my preparations for classes and watch TV to have some distraction and relaxation.


  1. Interview one of your partners. Film the interview and upload it in You Tube. E-mail to blogger so the moderator can post your video to the blog.

  1. Use the following exercise for further language practice:
    Ukraine facts and figures - "question and answer" exercise


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